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Physical components of the machine.
Basic hardware:
              ■ Electronic circuits
              ■ Microchips
              ■ Processors
              ■ Motherboard
    □ Includes devices that are peripheral to the main computer box such as input and output devices.

  In the late 1990s the computer hardware have made possible many changes to the health care industry. The applications of computer to health care will greatly expand the diagnostic and therapeutic abilities of practitioners and broaden the options available to recipients of health care. Telemedicine is now being used to reduce the impact of distance and location on accessibility and availability of health care.

Computer Hardware Fundamentals

    □ Motherboard
      -thin, flat sheet made of a firm, non conducting material on which the internal components-printed circuits, chips, slots and so on- of the computer are mounted.
- made of dielectric or non conducting plastic material and the electric conductions are etched or soldered onto the bottom of the board.

    □ Central Processing Unit
      – the “brains” of the computer
  - Consists of at least one arithmetic and logic unit and memory.
* the arithmetic and logic units control mathematical functions
* the control unit carries out the machine language functions called fetch, execute, decode and store

❑ ROM (Read Only Memory) – a form of Permanent storage
❑ RAM (Random Access Memory) – Temporarily Storage.



Have you ever wonder on what would happen if our students did not learn computer skills in a school’s computer lab? Our students are molded in schools and if we were to phase out computer labs out from schools, who will teach our students/children to succeed in the technology world? Technology is not going anywhere and will continue to advance in the years to come.

  * It was stated by Tiffany Provost that “Computers skills will always be valuable, even if they don’t seem to apply to you r own course of study. It’s certainly worth time and effort to get some computer training at a vocational school” (Provost 2010). There are two basic computer skills that some employers will look at...

Skills that employers look at when hiring, Internet, Simple navigation, Able to find information, Basic Programs, Office
Typing, Where Computers are necessary, Jobs, Schools, Types of Computer Labs, Traditional, Whiteboards, Calendars, Mobile carts with laptops, Individual carts for classroom, School shares the laptops and picks times for the class to use, Computer Lab vs. One Single Computer, One single computer, Students sharing, Hard to show things while teaching/learning, Computer Lab
Every student on a computer, Step by step involvement when learning, How Children Gain Computer Literacy, Observing
Watching other students on computers, Being part of a group, Actively exploring different software programs, Educational games and software, Exposure and observation
The computer is my tool, Mastering skills
Independence, Children’s Computer Education
Knowledge of computer technology Awareness, skills, experience, etc.




Computer Sales and Services is a full service computer company providing a total solution to all your computing needs. We are a one-stop source for:

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Our trained specialists provide customer support before, during, and after your purchase. We sell only those computers whose components are fully backed by manufacturer's warranties.

Whether your computer is needed for home, business or school, we will match you with the software and hardware that you need.

There is nothing worse than finding out you have been scammed by a company, you previously held in high esteem. That’s what happened yesterday, when I had one of our 3 computers ‘fixed’ by a different computer company.

We are primarily a work at home family. For the past year, I have used the services of PC Medic, Computer Sales and Services. We have used PC Medic for a hard drive replacement, buying modem and speakers, and removing spywares from our desktop computers.

 ProTech Computer Education Daska. All Rights Reserved. ​Copyright 2019. ​

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